Southern Brazil – The best place in South America

Have you ever heard of Santa Catarina?

This small, well-developed state in Shouthern Brazil could be exactly what you are looking for. A statement like ‘The best place in South America’ sounds sensational, but Santa Catarina is just that.

When you think about Brazil, what comes to mind? Rio de Janeiro, the Amazon rainforest, hot weather, bikinis, the beach, and girls dressed in exotic outfits dancing in the streets.

Unfortunately, violence and crime are also things that cross one’s mind. Brazil is a huge country with 26 federal states, and fortunately, not all of them share the same fates. Santa Catarina is one such state.

Santa Catarina boasts the highest life expectancy and quality of life in the entire Country. One of the few states where the population isn’t heavily concentrated in three or four cities at the most, so no large pockets of impoverished under-assisted communities exist. The lowest levels of income and wealth inequality and the state with the lowest rates of poverty in the entire country. Combine this with the highest literacy rates, a culture of free wage-paid work, and an immigrant-based society and it all starts to make a lot of sense.

Everything just mentioned above sounds wonderful if you are looking to move or spend an extended period of time, but if you are looking for fun things to do, what does Santa Catarina have to offer?

It is not so well known by international tourists but there are some world-class tourist activities to partake in. A touch of everything: dense jungle, glimmering beaches, great nightlife, European influence, Latin flair and so much more.Due to it being roughly the size of Portugal which makes it one of the smaller states in the country, means exploring most of it is easy to manage.

You can have the full Brazilian experience without having to worry about your safety, in a functional well-ordered society.

So if you’re thinking about visiting, staying for an extended period of time, or moving to South America, Santa Catarina is sure to be worth it.